Sunday, December 2, 2007

ACTIVITY 4 - Conduct workshops on GEF policies and procedures

This G-PAS Country Support Programme (CSP) Work Plan Activity is addressed in this posting and will be constantly updated. A - Increase awareness of the GEF strategic priorities, policies and programs

1. Develop more effective GEF related communication and outreach strategies 2. Prepare GEF national information packages 3. Access to and translation of GEF documents into Samoan language

4. Workshops on GEF policies and procedures

5. Media training for GEF Focal Points 6. Workshop to acquaint media personnel

B - Create institutional memory of GEF policies and programs in the appropriate government ministry
7. Organize workshops, training courses and field visits for respective Executing Agency (EA) staff 8. Create GEF information database in relevant EA (e.g. G-PAS Country Support Programme BLOG)
9. Conduct regular presentations on GEF projects in the relevant government ministries

C - Increase coordination among national agencies with a view to ensuring greater country ownership and a cohesive approach across the govt to global environmental issues and GEF support 10. Establish and participate in inter-agency/ministry committee meetings


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